Report Abuse

We take complaints seriously and our team reviews each issue that comes in.

What we do to help prevent abuse:

1. We have a strict terms of service policy for any of our clients that they must follow.

2. Every email sent out we require a company name and physical mailing address.

3. Every email has a valid unsubscribe link which functions to remove the email address.

4. We track complaints for all clients including: feedback loop reports, blacklistings, and user submitted complaints such as this form. If they reach a compliant threshold the account is disabled.

5. Feedback loops are setup to monitor complaint levels and remove users who report an email as junk.

6. Hard bounces are removed and never sent to again.

7. Engagement scoring tracking activity level for emails sent out.

8. Signup/Optin Forms are provided that feature double optin verification.

9. We offer a built-in permission pass system for lists imported into the system to verify they want to be emailed.